


平素はオリオンホテル 那覇をご愛顧賜り誠に有難うございます。

この度 当ホテルでは建物外壁の補修工事を下記日程で実施いたします。

工事期間中は、作業に伴う足場架設や一時的に騒音等が生じる場合がありますが、お客様の 安全と安心を最優先としサービスの提供に努めてまいります。

お客様にはご迷惑とご不便をおかけいたしますが、何卒ご理解とご協力を賜りますようお願 い申し上げます。

※お部屋の窓の開閉はできませんが、作業員の姿が見える場合がございますので、 作業時間中はカーテンをお閉めください。

Thank you for choosing The Orion Hotel Naha.

We would like to inform you that we will be conducting urgent repair work on water leaks in the exterior walls of our hotel, as detailed below.

During the construction period, scaffolding installation and occasional noise may occur due to the work.
However, we prioritize our guests' safety and relaxed stay, and will strive to provide the best possible service.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this time, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Construction Area: West side of the hotel (Makishi Station side) and north side (back of the hotel) wall Construction Period: November 25, 2024, to the end of March 2025 (excluding Sundays and holidays)
Working Hours: 9 AM to 4 PM
Note: Please keep the curtains closed during working hours, as workers may occasionally be visible.